Hermana Smoot

Hermana Smoot
Hermana Smoot

Monday, June 22, 2015

Week # 46 ( June 15, 2015) Send ME Letters!

Hello USA! And all of the other places in the world

This week went by, yes, very quickly. Megan sent me a letter telling me i had 7 1/2 months left and i about FLIPPED out. We are NOT counting down. 

This week was really great and there is not much to say. People are progressing and we are finding a lot of new people. We were able to find 2 new families this weekend! That was super amazing. One we found yesterday while we were knocking doors. All of our appointments had fallend through and it was about 4:30 and we had a long day ahead of us and nobody really wanted to talk. Becuase its sunday afternoon and cold outside. But then we saw a family bringing in all of their lumber from a truck. And we offered our help, becuase its a big project. And we started talking to them and really appreciated our help becuase we stayed there for about an hour or so till all the wood was under their shed. They then invited us inside to eat something and we were able to talk about the restoration and families. They told us we were always welcome in their home and we set up another appointment for thursday. It was amazing. God really puts these people where we are going to find them. And it never happens in the way that we want or when we want it, but in the tired, hard moments when we are showing that we are willing even when it's difficult.
I feel like I´m learning so much here about how to feel the spirit and the obedience and diligence it takes to find people and to be successful. That's not to say I'm perfect with either one of those things, but I'm trying and the lord sees all of our efforts. I really do love being here. This has been the best time ever and I'm hoping to make it the next [really long time that doesnt have a number] of my life even better!!!!! 

Live today well, keep studying the scriptures (go mom!) and LOVE. You are all beautiful. 


Hermana Smoot

Another birthday reminder.......send me letters. :) JUNE 30th! is coming ups soon! 

HERMANA MEACHAM completed 9 months. ;) What a proud mom.

San Pablo
The lovely hna Meacham as we try to knock doors with SO MANY DOGS. One neighbor had six, the other had eight and then three dogs were following us and they were ALL BARKING. Then the guy comes and out and is totally athiest and just bashes us for about 20 minutes straight without us being able to talk. at all.  That was a fun day. 

We went to a museum today! 

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