Hermana Smoot

Hermana Smoot
Hermana Smoot

Monday, June 22, 2015

Week # 45 ( June 8, 2015 ) Que Milagro

Hello lovelies.

I hope that all is well in the lovely tropical land of HAWAII. Still quite jealous here in the rain and cold. But there is sun today, so no worries. It´s almost the same.....

This week has been slightly longer that others, but full of learning and super awesome experiences. But one of them is defintinely the highlight. NURY HAS A BAPTISMAL DATE. Nury was one of the first people to listen to missionaries when the missionaries arrived to San Pablo (about 30 years ago) She has been taught on and off since then. She goes to church almost every sunday, but never could get baptized, because she smoked and couldn´t quit. We didn´t really want to visit her becuase she wasn´t progressing a ton and we wanted to find new people. But the relief society president told us that she has been a lot more involved lately. So we went to visit her with the presidenta and taught Nury about the plan of salvation and what she needs to do becuase NOW is the time to prepare to meet god. And then the RS pres said, Nury, we love you a lot, what is stopping you from getting baptized, just the smoking? And nury said yes, and that she was trying to quit and was willing and wanted to get baptized. So we set a date and told her that we are going to do everything possible to help her quit and make it. She is going to Santiago for almost a month, which is difficult. But as a branch, we came together and made notes for her that she could open every other day and a calender of scriptures to read every day. And we will be calling and helping her. PLEASE pray for her. We have faith that she can quit and finally make these important covenants with her father in heaven. But it was so amazing to be able to see the things that we can do with heavenly father´s help. It seemed  almost impossible, but when we have faith and follow the spirit, really anything is possible. 

OH and for a follow up, elsa is doing well, we haven´t been able to visit her this week but we are going over tonight, praying that all goes well and we can have the opportunity to teach her husband!

There is so much to learn here. So much to learn in life. I´ve realized lately as i get further and further into the mission that I still lack so much. And really this time is the time to learn how to learn throughout the rest of my life.And keep going. Keep enduring to the end. I really am grateful for the opportunity. And even though it´s hard and I get tired and stressed, I really wouldn´t rather be anywhere else. :) 

Ok maybe in Hawaii with you guys.... Hahah. JK. :)


I love you all and wish you the best week ever!

Hermana Smoot
One day i rebelled and didn´t wear my rain boots because i was tired of them and i slipped and fell hard core in the mud. The picture doesn´t show it very well, but i was very muddy. Good times.

We found a frog and Hermana Meacham caught it. When a missionary kisses a frog it turns into an RM not a prince... haha just kidding we don´t think about things like that. We are missionaries.....:)

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