Hermana Smoot

Hermana Smoot
Hermana Smoot

Monday, May 25, 2015

Week # 43 (May 25, 2015) Aquí en San Pablo!

Hermana Meacham and I! She's great!!

The little piglets that live across the street!

There is a group of dogs that follow us all the time. But one that follows us all day long. He has a sprained leg and is named johnny. Black and white. It´s kind of hilarious

Saying goodbye to Ana Maria and her daughter clara (the ones with a baptismal date)

Hello everyone!

This week was absolutely wonderful and full of miracles, really cold weather and the lovely little farm town of San Pablo. :) It was slightly hard to say goodbye to Pto Varas. The members there really  have so much love for the missionaries and we were finally starting to see some of the fruits of our labors. But, alas, the lord wanted me here in the lovely san Pablo with the even more lovely Hermana Meacham.(literally so gorgous talented awesome and a super missionary!) And I really am so happy. 

We both really want to be obedient and more than that, just lose ourselves in the work and enjoy the time that we have here. (which every day becomes shorter and shorter....I hit 10 MONTHs this week) So the first day with hit the streets and we have been seeing miracles ever sense. That isn´t to say that there aren´t hard moments. (Like when we don´t make fire in the morning and I wear ALL my winter gear to study...) or when we are tired, but when you lose yourself and don´t think about things you are missing or things you want, and just ENJOY what we have and what we are doing, the time flies and the days are so fun. And I really have felt that way this week and the lord has blessed us a ton. 

ONE example of this was Saturday. That morning we left the house to go find and visit contacts. I don´t usually like mornings very much, but again, trying to enjoy it all. So we started to talk to some people.We started a conversation with a woman named Juana who was cleaning her rug outside. She said that her son was mormon and that her other son Felipe likes to go to church in Santiago where they live most of the time. Felipe then came out and when we invited him to go to church with us, he was like, Sure! (what 12 year old boy is that enthusiastic about church?) But then they let us in and we taught them about the atonement and the importance of acting on our faith. We even talked about baptism and I think we could have invited her right there, but she lives in Santiago.....so it´s slightly complicated. She comes her every month at least because she likes it her a lot more. But we invited them to come to church with us and she said, ¨Why don´t you girls come and have breakfast with me and then we´ll all go together? So the next morning we had breakfast with them and all went to church. I really couldn´t believe it. And even though we can´t really teach  her. We were able to find her and hopefully, the weekends that she is here, we can bring her to church and help her find the missionaries where she  lives in Santiago. But it was so amazing. We have been seeing so many other miracles her and I´m so excited to keep working and finding and enjoying my time here with Hna Meacham!
I wish you all the very best and invite you to keep going even in the hard times. This time is for enjoying! 

Herman Smoot

Things about San Pablo:
We live just us two in a fairly sizable house of wood....but it´s REALLY COLD. So i think i´m going to try to find a sleeping bag.

Cows and pigs live across the street.

Everyone knows each other here and everyone is family.

20-30 people assist on sunday in our tiny little chapel. But it has a font! So we are all good. :)

There isn´t anybody with a baptsimal date, but we are working towards that!

We have a mamita who cooks us lunch every day and isn´t a member.

Hna Meacham likes singing and can hold a note while i do harmony. (it´s like a really special thing when you have a comp that can do that.....yes. it´s important...) 


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