Hermana Smoot

Hermana Smoot
Hermana Smoot

Monday, October 26, 2015

Week #64 ( Oct. 19, 2015) Sacrifice Brings forth the blessings of Heaven

Sacrifice Brings forth the blessings of Heaven:

If i had a dollar for every time I sang that song, i would be a very rich missionary. This week was lovely. We are still having slight problems with health but as of today the four of us that live together are doing well. It´s actually a blessing that there are four of us becuase we can go on splits when someone is sick and it works really well. haha. I put that song as the title today because I really have felt it. The harder the work is the more blessings that just seem to pour out from heaven. I can think of a few examples the week:
1. OUR BISHOP came to a mini ward council meeting that we are supposed to have every week. Our bishop has a very busy work schedule and can only come to church every other sunday and it´s pretty darn difficult to have a ward council. So we did a fast for him and we are seeing some fruit budding. We are getting there! The ward members here really are amazing.
2. We were on our way to lunch (this was a morning where i didn´t really feel good) and we had about 20 minutes so we knocked on doors. A man opened his door and was super intersted in what we were saying and we have an appointment with him. He gave us a couple references of his neighbors and is going to invite his girlfriend to come listen this week. SO cool.
3. We gave Marianela the challenge to read 3 nefi 11-27 (Earthly ministry of Christ in the Americas) and when we called yesterday she said that she has almost finished! And we gave it to her a week or so ago. She is doing well. But we are still working with the smoking. Thank you so much aunt paula and grandpa and everyone who has given advice and support for her situation. I´m sure she is feeling so many prayers. 
4. The coolest part of this week was yesterday. We went to church and a member came up to us and said that someone had come to church by herself and wasn´t a member. We went up to her and apparently has been looking at a lot of churches and always passes by our chapel. So she just decided to come. Her name is Carmen and is really awesome. She had to go to work and couldn´t come to the classes, but we set up an appointment. I have a good feeling about her. It was amazing. I didn´t think stuff like that actually happened. 

So, as you can see, there are many a blessing to count from heaven for all the sacrifices that we make. Whether it just be a friendly smile, making an extra effort to pray or read, or talking to someone. Heavenly Father smiles at us at all we do and and think he´s just waiting for opportunities to shower blessings upon us. :) So sacrifice a little and the windows of heaven will open so much that there won´t be room to recieve the blessings.

I love you all so much. I can´t thank you enough for the support an love that I feel. You are all amazing and are helping so much in this grand work. Have a beautiful week!!

I love Pto Varas! 

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